Adopt a Cat > Adult Cat


Bringing your new cat home

When you collect your cat from the foster home you should travel with your cat in a secure cat basket. Cover the basket with a blanket as this will help to calm your new pet. On arrival at your home put the basket, still covered, in a small room in which you have already put a little food, drink, a litter tray and some play things. Leave your cat there for a couple of hours to take in all the strange smells and noises. Your home will be totally alien to your new pet and it will need time to adapt, to feel its way around and to accept it. Your cat will need time to sort out its "bolt holes" where it can hide if it feels unsafe.

Provide a warm safe bed which is enclosed on three sides - a cardboard box is ideal - lined with some old jumpers or a piece of blanket. Make sure it is not in a draught and not too close to either the food or litter tray.


You will probably have been advised by the TVAW fosterer if your cat has any particular likes or dislikes or if there is anything which upsets it. All cats but especially those fed on dry food should have access to clean water at all times.

There is nothing better than feeding for bond building so initially feed little and often. Have a feeding signal - tap a plate, whistle, call or open a specific cupboard so that she knows when food is coming. You will find this useful to recall your cat when it first goes outside. Hand feeding special titbits, cooked fish or meat, is a great way to win confidence and to make friends quickly.

Litter trays

Most cats will use a litter tray quite happily, especially if they have come from one of our foster homes where they will have been using a tray. Make sure that your cat knows where the litter tray is, that it is roomy enough and that there is plenty of litter. Keep it as fresh as possible by removing solids and clumps twice a day. There are various types of litter available. If your cat does not like one sort try another. Some for example, will not use the small pellets but prefer the Fullers Earth type, possibly because they like to feel steady while they are standing on the litter and the pellet variety rolls around under their paws. Generally, the finer the litter the easier it is for the cat to adapt to.

Introducing your cat to other animals

If you have other cats or dogs take everything slowly and quietly. Let your cat gain confidence in you and its surroundings before introducing it to the other feline or canine members of your family. They will know that your new cat is there and hopefully will be able to get used to the smell in the house before coming face to face. Try to let it out of its room to explore the house when your other animals are not there.

If you have a dog try introducing them with the cat in a cage where it can see out but still feel secure and have the dog on a lead. Progress to sitting quietly with the dog on a lead and the cat loose - it will have sussed out its bolt holes by then and will investigate, knowing it can run to safety.

The great outdoors

Keep your cat indoors for between two and three weeks in order to reorientate it, longer if it's still nervous. When you let it out for the first time do so just before a meal when it will be hungry and so less inclined to explore too much. If possible walk around the garden with her a few times before you let her have free access to outside.


Unless you have been advised to the contrary TVAW believes your cat to be in good health. We would however suggest that you take your new cat to a vet for an MOT. TVAW doesn't vaccinate the cats which it rehomes but if your cat has up to date vaccinations, you will either have been given the certificate or been told when the next vaccination is due.

If you are not already registered with a vet do so as soon as you acquire your cat rather than leaving it until an emergency arises.

All cats should be neutered or spayed. TVAW neuters all adult cats before rehoming

We aim to ensure that all our cats our microchipped before leaving us and will register the microchip in your name. Kittens under approximately 4 months are too young to microchip, therefore, you must have them microchipped when they are neutered. It is now compulsory for all cats to be microchipped by the age of 20 weeks.


We cannot hope to cover all aspects of cat care in a short leaflet but we hope that these notes will help you to settle your new cat into your home as quickly as possible. If you have any problems or queries please do get in touch with the foster home where you obtained your cat or ring one of the numbers on the homing agreement. Normally adult cats are grateful for a home and settle down quickly but if you have serious problems contact TVAW. We will try to help you to overcome the problem but if all else fails we will take the cat back into care for rehoming. Please do not pass the cat on to friends or relatives without discussing it with TVAW first.